Completed Repair and Routine Maintenance Projects

The Molalla River Board of Education has identified maintaining responsible stewardship of all public resources as one of their top priorities.  The district is committed to this endeavor and has focused it's efforts in capital projects, repairs and routine maintenance across all facilities.  Below is a list of completed projects over the last 18 months. 


 Completed Projects


  • Installed AED machine and cabinet

  • Fixed roof leak in the ball room

  • Fixed roof leak between rooms 5 and 6

  • Tightened hand holds on rock wall on playground

  • Installed new lighting in Patty Ross’ room

  • Fixed drain in room 7

  • Generator put to use and worked!

  • Replaced boiler nozzles and filters

  • Re-graded and leveled the parking lot

  • Repaired motor and replaced belt on gym HVAC unit

  • Changed flush valves on toilets

  • New controller on boiler

  • Replaced some plumbing on boiler

  • Repaired ignition system on boiler

  • Repaired flashing on outside of the gym

  • Repaired toilet in staff room

  • Cleared area for greenhouse

  • Fixed roof leak in entryway

  • Treated/stained wood climbing structure on playground

  • Replaced pressure tanks

  • Replaced carpet in room 4


  • Installed new parking signs for Marianne

  • Repaired major water leak in Room 17

  • Pulled up old carpet and replaced it in Rooms 16-21 and entire pod

  • Replaced ballasts in room 7

  • Repaired dishwasher (Bach Bros)

  • Repaired garbage disposal (Kleen Solutions)

  • Repaired hot box #1

  • Installed AED machine

  • Helped with new walking path

  • Changed parking lot lights with help from MCC

  • Electronic reader board sign is up and running!

  • Installed emergency lighting in all pods

  • Created new learning space for Speech and Language Specialist in a pod

  • Adjusted gym doors

  • Rebuilt sewage pump and installed (American On Site)

  • Replaced pressure relief valve on boiler B

  • Replaced lights in gym

  • Regarded gravel parking area

  • Fixed numerous roof leaks

  • Alarm pull cover installed

  • New downspout installed

  • Rerouted some pipes on each boiler

  • Replaced low water cutoff valves on each boiler

  • Repaired water leak in library

  • Installed fitness stations around walking track

  • Repaired phone conduit on roof

  • Replaced faulty exit signs

  • Added battery backup ballast for hallway lights

  • Replaced pump bearing assemblies for each boiler

  • Replaced transducers for Climatech

  • New pre rinse hose installed in the kitchen


  • Fixed computer lab electrical issues

  • Got rid of ants in kitchen

  • Replaced ballasts in gym and rooms 1,3,4,5,6

  • Fixed roof leaks

  • Installed new ceiling fan in the office

  • ODOT to fix drainage issues at flag pole (Houck Construction)

  • New motor starter installed in AHU for cafeteria

  • Replaced air vent valve over cafeteria

  • Installed AED machine

  • Hung plaque near office

  • Cleaned carpet in Ms. Lowe’s room and completed air quality testing

  • Installed new thermostat in the library

  • Replaced motor coupling for gym AHU

  • Repaired floor scrubbers

  • Took out carpet in computer lab and coated VCT tile

  • New controller installed for library heat

  • Replaced RTU 8

  • Installed partitions in Room 33

  • Replaced motor in AHU for the cafeteria

 Rural Dell Elementary

  • Moss removal on sidewalk between the buildings

  • Repaired crash bar on door by the office

  • Replaced ballasts in rooms 1 and 2 and a bathroom

  • Installed and using new water treatment system (daily testing for 3 months)

  • Fixed handicap button for main door

  • Repaired roof leak above room 1

  • Installed AED machine

  • Fixed roof leaks in cafeteria

  • Painted and replaced ceiling tiles in cafeteria and gym

  • Adjusted the stage lighting

  • Replaced light bulbs in gym

  • Unclogged drain in the kitchen

  • Installed new ridge cap on the roof

  • Replaced board for teeter totters and painted the seats (playground equipment)

  • Regarded parking lot

  • Repaired floor scrubbers

  • Perform weekly water testing

  • Reroofed parts of north building

  • Repaired roof leaks on the gym

  • Trimmed large oak tree on playground

  • Removed 4 trees (rotten=safety hazard)

  • Replaced photo cells

  • Fixed drinking fountain in the hallway

  • Replaced pressure tanks

 Molalla River
Middle School

  • Fixed outlets in room 20

  • Fixed locking mechanism on North Gym Door (doors and latches to be replaced soon)

  • Fixed oven in kitchen

  • Fixed a leak in the fire control water valve

  • Changed light bulbs various areas

  • OR Window Installers fixed windows in rooms 11 and 27

  • Fixed outlet by the men’s restroom in office

  • Fixed hose bib outside by boiler room

  • Fixed many HVAC issues

  • Repaired lights in 8th grade hall

  • Fixed room 11 intercom

  • Cut new access hatches for HVAC accessibility

  • Fixed band room HVAC issues

  • Adjusted beam detector in gym to solve locker room alarm issues

  • Replaced pressure relief valves on boilers

  • Painted North and South gyms

  • Fixed roof leaks on North and South gyms

  • Replaced fuses on North and south gyms RTUs and adjusted thermostats

  • Cleaned out warehouse

  • Fixed parking lot potholes

  • Cleaned and repaired gutters

  • Repaired RTU on 6th grade wing

  • Put moss killer on roof

  • Bought new carpet extractor

  • Repaired both hot boxes in kitchen

  • Repaired and maintaining freezer issues in kitchen

  • Added receptacles in room 15

  • Cut in new roof hatches for better access

  • Repaved center courtyard

  • Installed new catch basin in courtyard

  • Cleaned out t-buildings

  • Completed fire marshal list

  • Replaced AHU above Room 17

  • Installed new LED light outside North Gym

  • Rebuilt 3 steam traps

  • Rebuilt condensate pumps

  • Replaced thermostats in North gym

  • Replaced low water cutoff on both boilers

 Molalla High

  • Fixed cooler and freezer (Brian Mays)

  • Replaced booster heater for dishwasher in kitchen (NCC)

  • Moved music equipment for concert from MS to HS and back

  • Fixed exit sign in gym

  • Fixed OOI classroom window leak

  • Fixed lights and ballasts in choir room

  • Replaced hinges on cooler

  • Replaced thermostats in weight room and girls locker room

  • Replaced heating water pump expansion joint in new wing

  • Replaced parking lot lights and a ballast

  • Installed new burners and ignition modules for RTUs 6 and 9

  • Fixed roof leaks

  • Fixed exhaust fan leak in custodial room

  • Unplugged drains in the kitchen and staff bathroom (in house and Roto Rooter)

  • Fixed dishwasher in kitchen

  • Fixed flooring in the crow’s nest at the soccer field

  • Repaired hot boxes in kitchen

  • Replaced pump for kitchen hot water unit

  • Replaced generator steamer (boiler)

  • Replaced convection steamer

  • Fixed heating strip around freezer door

  • Completed fire marshal list

  • Replaced bulbs in soccer scoreboard

  • Replaced parking lot light ballasts

  • Replaced 2 outside lights with LED fixtures

  • Rebuilt shop air compressor

  • Rebuilt gym air compressor

  • Replaced igniters, ignition module on RTUs 1 and 5

  • Replaced expansion joint of fire sprinkler risers

  • Replaced bathroom exhaust fan

  • Replaced metal shop exhaust fan motor

  • Replaced flow switches on boilers

 Land Lab and
Heckard Field

  • Replaced thermostats in main building

  • Repaired HVAC unit

  • Cleaned sewage pit

  • Repaired bulbs in shop

  • Rewired Ag Barn

  • Repaired large crack in tennis court 1 (continued monitoring)

  • Repaired HVAC at locker rooms

  • Painted dugout stripes at the baseball field

  • Fixed the neighbors fence bordering the field

  • Pruned trees on neighboring fence line

  • Rocked around the base of the batting cages

  • Fixed light inside batting cages

  • Painted rollup doors on track shed and windows at concession stand

  • Locker room was painted (coordinated community effort and professional painters)

  • Installed new photo cell for flag pole light

  • Cleaned out under stadium

  • Replaced panic hardware on locker room doors

  • Replaced exhaust fan motors in the Locker rooms

 District Office
and Shops

  • Fixed broken downspout at PE Gym

  • Fixed gutter on PE gym

  • Fixed broken motor pool gutter

  • Pruned hedge by motor pool

  • Had grounds roller rebuilt (JD Peterkin)

 Other District Property

  • Cleaned out Schuebel (recently sold)

  • Prepared Marquam Property for sale (sheetrock, roofing maintenance, painting, brush work, etc.)

  • Fixed gate/entrance to Buckner Creek Property and cleaned up garbage dump area